Suburban Mosaic: Islamic convention will bring 20,000 people to Rosemont

In two weeks, more than 20,000 Muslims from across North America and the world are expected to converge on Rosemont for a four-day Islamic conventi...

August 21, 2023
1:48 PM

In two weeks, more than 20,000 Muslims from across North America and the world are expected to converge on Rosemont for a four-day Islamic convention -- one of the largest gatherings of Muslims in the region. The Islamic Society of North America's 60th annual convention runs Sept. 1-4, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N. River Road. Over the years, ISNA conventions have provided a platform for prominent Muslim leaders, government officials, community activists, celebrities, interfaith community partners, and heads of state.

Madhu Krishnamurthy